Thursday, April 16, 2015

A whole new age group of students!

I am a member of the local P.E.O chapter. I'm quite proud to be a part of such an exciting organization and when they asked me to do a program at the last meeting, I was quite humbled.

The program criteria was that it had to be 20-25 minutes long and whatever I did needed to be simple enough that I could travel supplies easily without much mess.

And since I find that adults sometimes come with a whole lifetime of "issues" regarding drawing and can get quite intimidated worrying about the end product, I decided to do a project where there was no right way for the end product to look.

I decided to present Carla Sonheim's book, "Imaginary Animals".  This is where I found the always successful project of Blobimals.  A project I have yet had anyone not enjoy doing, even the teenager who at the end of tonight's class stated, "I don't like doing blobs" and then moments later was giggling while looking at one.

If you are not familiar with artist Carla Sonheim, I encourage you to look at her website.

There are a lot of very good free tutorials on the site and her work is quite charming. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite "go to" artist for inspiration.

Anyway, I created a stack of watercolor blobs prior to the meeting since there would not be a lot of time nor space for the women to create their own blobs. I handed each woman a sharpie pen and told them to find the imaginary creature hidden in their blobs.

I'm guessing by the amount of laughing and the eagerness to create more than one blobimal, they had a good time.

I'm quite impressed with the results and the vivid imaginations of the women who were at the meeting.

Everyone quite enjoyed looking at all the creations while breaking for refreshments.

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