Saturday, March 21, 2015

Acrylic Animal Paintings

The first project we worked on during the second day of Art and Animal Spring Break camp was acrylic paintings.  The kids were all encouraged to pick a subject matter they liked and as you can see below, that was a very wide variety of animals!

I probably have over 200 folders with different animal reference and yet I found one student had the uncanny ability to pick animals I could not reference for him.

Tasmanian Devil, a type of vulture that I am still at a lost in describing, I truly felt like I was batting "0" with this child. Luckily he was very easy going and was able to find something in my vast quantity of material, albeit less than stellar quality in regards to his vast knowledge of animals.

Given only primary colors with black and white, the students went to work mixing their own palettes. When dried, they had the opportunity to go back into the work with oil pastel to tidy up any line work.

This project is great for honing observational drawing skills, color mixing, composition, and learning to shade. 

All while having a lot of fun. 

Below are the very cute results from this great group of kids.

10 year old, lizard tail

7 year old, "George"

8 year old, "Stella"

8 year old

8 year old

6 year old

Orangutan, 6 year old who would preferred a Tasmanian Devil

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