Sunday, August 17, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday to Miss E!!!

Today there were eight children at the studio to celebrate a fifth birthday.

It was a ladybug theme.  You should of seen the cupcakes the mother made for the party!!  so cute.

After a couple of discussions with the mom, it was decided that the project would be a ladybug sculpture.

birthday girl!

I had some beautiful stones in the studio that my oldest child, who knows how much I love collecting the cast offs of others, brought home from her retail job when they were changing out the store decor. I thought they would make a great base for a ladybug to take a rest.

So we started off building a ladybug out of Fimo clay. The kids had the opportunity to make a form out of aluminum foil, which all but one did, and then I told them to cover it completely in clay so it would be "top secret" what was underneath.

One little boy literally would not tell his mom what was inside his ladybug when she picked him up!  He loved having a "top secret" from her.

Once they had it covered, I asked them to roll it between their hands "like a meatball" to smooth it all out.   Then with a bit more clay, they made their wings and added them to the body.  Then they made another meatball and placed it on as the head.


Now it was time to add the spots.  I gave them a few options.  They could use a toothpick to poke holes, the eraser on a pencil to make indented circles, or add small clay "dots".  I don't think anyone took me up on the dots but we had a variety of toothpick and eraser holes.

first grader  

I had cut some wire before they arrived and each child had the opportunity to add legs and antennas.
All added the antennas, but only some added the legs.  

Ladybug sculptures complete. phew.

While those were baking, I handed each child a palette with blue and yellow acrylic paint.  I'm a big believer in teaching children to mix their own colors.  I think it is a skill that will serve them well as they grow.  They all knew blue and yellow made green, but I wanted to show them how they could make different colors of green just by changing the ratio of the two primary colors.


I even delved into a bit of optical blending, showing them they could make lines of just pure yellow or pure blue and still end up with something that the eye would read as green.

I then asked each of them to mix two different colors of green.  One blue green and one yellow green and all of them were very successful with this task.


And with sound effects just for fun, I even suggested they add whisk of color to look like blades of grass.

Once that was all done, it was time for snacks and cupcakes.  Boy did the kids have a good time "sucking the heads" off the ladybugs.  

Yes, one little boy gleefully told all of us, "I sucked the head right off!"  

fun, fun, fun

Once the tummies were full and sugar was running at full steam through the blood streams of eight little partygoers, it was time to paint the now baked ladybugs.

first grader
It is always interesting to me to watch the kids begin to understand that they need to turn a sculpture up, down and all around to paint.  Their first instinct is just to paint what they see and they will let me know they are "done" and then when I ask them if they checked all sides and the bottom you can see the lightbulb go off.

ah! not done.

second grader

Once they were done painting, the birthday girl opened her presents and my oldest and I frantically dried all the ladybugs with a blowdryer as old as me, then hot glued the ladybugs down onto the painted stones.  The kids were able to bend the legs and antennas however they wanted and I think they came out cute as a bug.

yea, I went there, the world of the double entendre.


I love all the different perspectives created from the exact same directions and instruction.  The choices each and everyone of the kids make are so very charming and make for fantastic work that is all their own.

As unique as each and every one of them.

On another note, fall classes are now up on the website at  If the times and dates don't work, please send me a note and we can work something out since it is still early.

Until then, a very happy, happy 5th birthday Miss E!!  Thanks for letting me be a part of your special day.

one more look at the birthday girl

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