Saturday, August 16, 2014

H.E.double toothpicks froze over

I did paper mache.

As a parent of three almost grown children, I hate paper mache.  It's a mess which is why I was quite happy for it to be a project my kids did when I WASN'T around.

Unfortunately it is now time to pay the piper.

I am the art teacher.

Not the parent.

And it is my penance to now do the messy paper mache project with the kids because like me, I'm sure their parents want them to experience the joys of flour, water, and newspaper away from the house too.

And so we embarked on trophy heads made out of paper mache.

Me kicking and screaming, the kids just screaming, "yea!!! paper mache!"

cat,7 year old

They made their forms out of wadded up newspaper covered in masking tape and then we tore strips of plain newsprint and delved into the world that is messy, gooey flour paste.

And it wasn't that bad.

aricorn, 6 year old

Maybe my kids were exceptionally messy back in the day, but it wasn't as horrible as I remembered.

I was worried about them wanting to put too many layers of paste and paper on the sculpture, but they were in fact pretty much done once they had the second layer.

raccoon, 7 year old

And I was glad I had not done the project too large or I don't think it would of held their attention to the end, but then that might of had something to do with the fact that it was near a hundred degrees outside and we were all sweltering.

Ironic since paper mache is my own personal h.e.double toothpicks....

The plus side is that in heat as hot as Hades everything dried very quickly!!

They were very excited about painting the work and they all came out very cute.

bird, 8 year old

Once the paint was dried, I added a gloss varnish to protect the artwork and now they are ready to hang on the students' bedroom walls.

H.E.double toothpicks hath frozen over.  I have done a paper mache project and lived to tell the tale.

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