Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tizzled Topped Tufted Maurkas

"I'll go to the African island of Yerka and bring back a tizzle-topped tufted Mazurka.  A kind of canary with quite a tall throat.  His neck is so long, if he swallows an oat for breakfast the first day of April, they say it has to go down such a very long way that it gets to his stomach the fifteenth of May"
-Dr. Seuss, If I Ran a Zoo

I love an open ended project and I love the results of this clay project when interpreted by the students with the above passage from Dr. Seuss.   This project was quite successful to me because no one really knows what a tizzle-topped tufted Mazurka looks like so the kids were free to create a bird of their fancy without any pressure of what might be perceived as right or wrong.

And I absolutely LOVE the results and how different each and every bird turned out.

This project was done with air dry clay, acrylic paint, and then sprayed lightly with a high gloss varnish.

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