Thursday, September 18, 2014

I'd like a do-over

So quite possibly the last of the School Closure camps happened yesterday because (fingers crossed) the teachers will vote "yes" today on a tentative agreement to open schools early next week!

I don't know if it was the change in weather or if yesterday every.single.child stayed up too late the night before but we were a slow moving bunch in the studio.

I had four projects planned, with a fifth in my back pocket should I need it as there has been no problem completing four projects in a full day camp, but yesterday the group completed two full projects and kind of sorta a third with huge modifications on my part.

Which is why I'd like a do-over because although the clay bug hangings were a great success,

7 year old

11 year old

6 year old

10 year old

8 year old

10 year old

10 year old

8 year old

And the portraits of their moms, dogs, themselves and even a character made up from their imagination- all inspired in the style of Matisse's "Young Woman in a Blue Blouse" were lovely,

8 year old

6 year old
10 year old
10 year old

7 year old

10 year old

11 year old
10 year old

the best received project of the day was the Exquisite Corpse books.  

Before class, I stapled together watercolor paper and then cut the inside pages into three.   The plan was to let the students do line drawings with fine point sharpies and then fill in color with the dye inks.

I have always ended camp weeks with a game of Exquisite Corpse.  It is always a favorite among the students and so I decided to build on that concept and make a full blown project out of it.  By the time I got around to introducing it, there was only an hour left in the day and the kids got so involved in their work, they worked right up until their parents arrived.

I know it is a good project when a child comes up to me and says, "I'm going to play with my book the entire way home".  They were so engaged and proud of their pieces, but many went home with the pencil sketches only completed and I changed out the dyes for colored pencils for those who got that far.

In fact, I only got pictures of one of the books completed because of the time crunch.

Definitely would like a do over and I would definitely have done this project at the beginning of the day in hindsight due to the students response.  They could pick any subject matter and the books included food, Princesses, characters from their favorite books or movies, animals, and even their own cartoon creations.  I just wish you could see them all!  Below is the finished book of a 10 year old.

Pretty awesome, right?  Great news is that with art camps and classes in my future, I know I will get the opportunity for that "do over" again soon and I absolutely plan to take it and complete this project with my originally planned concept.

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