Friday, March 6, 2015

Further exploration of the blob

As I predicted, the blobimals have been further explored in class and this time with much different results.

This high school student was just as intrigued with creating her blob as she was finding the animal within it.

As she was working on her blob, I almost thought she should call it finished as it was a beautiful piece of abstract work.  She would add color, (she chose red and green) and then the high flow acrylic white paint, over and over with amazing results.

Then she would tilt the paper to let the color run over the page.

Finding the "animals" within these blogs is quite addicting for everyone, including me!

As she was drying it with the blow dryer to do the next step and turning the paper in different directions, one or the other of us would yell out, "there's a bear" or, "there's a mouse"

OK.  Maybe that was just me.

In the end, she found a lion.

And instead of creating a more cartoon creature, created this truly stunning piece.

14 year old, watercolor and pencil

Although this project was not originally in the list of things done in the Art and Animals Spring Break camp, there is no way I can't now include it.

So if you would like your child to also have the chance to have lots of fun with blobs, please contact me at to register! March 16-20 from 9-12 for $100.00. There are still 3 spots left.

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