Saturday, May 30, 2015

Underwater dye paintings

This is a take off of the dye bird painting I have done several times in the past.

I needed to mix it up a bit for my own interest sake and since this class is only an hour, I thought fish might be easier to complete in the timeframe.

This time I did have the boys work their sketches out on copy paper so I could show them how easy it is to transfer a final drawing they are happy with onto their watercolor paper.

I like to do this because I can show them how they can work out their sketches, using a window as a light box, to trace the marks they do like onto a new paper and then fix what they didn't like until they have a drawing they love.

Then transfer that onto the final so that there is no need for erasers or fear of making a mistake.

Once most of the boys had a drawing they likes, I quickly went over some of the fun things they could do with the dyes.

Then sent them off to start working.

To say it gets a little crazy busy in the studio when working with the dyes would be an understatement.

It's a lot of fun, but I definitely get a workout.

Here are their final works.

As you can see, some moved away from colorful fish and there was one reference for a shark that was quite popular.

They all seemed quite happy at the end of class as they left the studio with their artwork.

8 year old

6 year old

7 year old

8 year old

6 year old

7 year old

10 year old

7 year old

7 year old

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