Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Acrylic Pink Amazon Dolphins

Pink Dolphins!

What's not to love?

In the Amazon Jungle, there are dolphins in the water that are pink.

True story.

Because I had one little girl, who after telling her parents she had painted a pink dolphin at camp, think she was pulling their leg that there was such a thing in this wonderful world as a pink dolphin.

I assured them there was and she was quite proud that she proved them wrong.

All the kids were quite fascinated with the idea of pink dolphins swimming in the Amazon jungle.

Lots of questions as to why they were pink and I did my best to explain.

I so wish I had more reference of the dolphins to share with them, but they are in fact, quite difficult to photograph.  They live in murky water and are quite vulnerable at this time due to the destruction of the jungle.

That means a lot of the pictures are very similar but I'm still happy to see each child put their own spin on it.

They sure had a good time creating them.

So without further ado, may I present to you the Amazon Pink River Dolphin!

9 year old

9 year old

6 year old

6 year old

7 year old

8 year old

8 year old

7 year old

6 year old

9 year old

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