Thursday, August 13, 2015

oil pastel food from another world

One of the fun projects the kids participated in during the "Fanciful Frolics" camp at North Vancouver Community Arts Council was using their daily snack as inspiration for creating food from their imaginary world in oil pastel.

They created blueberry planets. A favorite among martian kids in outer space.

7 year old

And some kids didn't have too far to stretch since they were already incredibly creative with their real snack! This child came to camp with a marshmallow girl, made out of a sugared rainbow strip of candy, a marshmallow and Smarties for hands.  All the student needed to add to make it into a "Marshmallow Mermaid" for the finned set living underwater was a Smartie fin.

(for those of you not living in Canada, Smarties are like a chocolate "M-nM")

7 year old

Other students just took their snacks and put them into their imaginary environment, like the carrot sticks and cucumber slices now living underwater!

6 year old

Anyone interested in a "sea urchin plum"? After layering the oil pastel, she created the spikes by taking a skewer and scratching into her work.

8 year old

And what bat fairy wouldn't love to have a blood juice box and a blood red apple?  They fly to your mouth even, keeping your hands free for important things like drawing!

8 year old

I could be enticed to eat more plums if they looked like this rainbow one from an enchanted fairy world.

6 year old

And I'm definitely all over eating a piece of birthday cake from an underwater world, and no, he did not have an entire birthday cake in his snack box.  I think he had some fruit to be truthful, but a kid can dream.

6 year old

Sea biscuits from the seashore anyone?  Seriously anything this child said sounded adorable, thanks to her sweet little english accent. She had animal crackers in her snack, which of course she called biscuits.  And of course the most amazing saltwater loving goldfish, who live near this imaginary world by the seashore, HAD to be immortalized in an imaginary snack.

6 year old
Mini cucumbers growing on the forest floor surrounded by giant trees for fairies to snack on, anyone? anyone?

6 year old

Rainbow fruit was a big hit. Here's a rainbow apple to enjoy.

6 year old

What a lot of fun they had creating these imaginary snacks while they ate their snacks!  Lots of giggles as they shared with each other what they were creating. There might of even been an exclamation of, "You have got to be kidding me" in the bunch as these creative snacks were revealing themselves. I was quite excited by the unexpected ways these children used their ordinary snacks to create extraordinary pictures.

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