Sunday, April 3, 2016

pastels of Vancouver underwater

I love doing pastels with students in camp.  It is a very nice end of the week activity, although messy, and interesting from my perspective to watch children apply all the different skills they have learned throughout the week into the art.

10 year old

They explore using line and directional strokes to create movement.

10 year old

They also understand the importance of layering color and how complimentary colors can enhance a work. They also apply drawing skills on how to break things down to shape and use observational skills while looking at reference.

Once they create a composition, they first use a black oil pastel to draw onto the black paper.

8 year old

Then using the chalk pastels, they create at least three layers of color without using their fingers to blend.

8 year old

At the end of the project if they want to blend with their finger, I encourage them to do so. They do not end up with a picture of mud this way or looking like they got into a fight with a rainbow wearing every color of chalk on their clothing.

11 year old

I'm always so impressed with the results. I think it has a lot to do with the self confidence the kids have built up during the week. The drawings created in the "Hello Vancouver" camp of some of our local underwater neighbors are no exception. Aren't they beautiful?

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